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Changes and Continuities in Europe From 600 Bce to Present





Cultural and Political Changes and Continuities in the Roman Empire from 27BCE to 600CE


Political changes, cultural changes, and continuities were evident in the Roman Empire from 27BCE to 600CE. First and foremost, in the 27BCE, the Roman Empire was ruled by an emperor or empress. Emperor Augustus was the first in the Roman Empire who brought constitutional reforms that revived trade and increased land value (Garnsey). That led to increased food supply as a result of trade and money promoting a rich culture. The Rome Empire's power became weaker as time progressed, and finally, the army assumed power in 235 after repeated attacks by Barbarians and Sasanians. Constant wars impoverished the people, and others ended up losing their identity and values. Besides, there was the introduction of new doctrines from the East, making many doubt their religious beliefs.  Diocletian became the emperor; thus, power was divided into the government, and there were the eastern region and the western region (Fitzpatrick 112). The political and cultural changes in the Roman Empire between 27 BCE-600CE were; division of the Empire, changes in governance, and the rise of Christianity. The continuities in the Roman Empire between 27BCE-600CE were in the use of Latin and Greek as languages for communication and the system of governance.

Political and Cultural Changes

Political and cultural changes in Rome civilization were in the late classical era. Christianity and the division of the Empire into two halves were some of the changes. The cultural changes included a shift from polytheism to monotheism in religion.

Political Changes

Change in governance

Change in governance was one of the political changes in the Roman Empire. It was evident in the transition from the Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire. Male citizens formally ruled the Empire, and the senate made policies; thus, the government was a Republic. Military and political experience, as well as wealth and influence, were brought together by the senate. The creation of a vast empire led to the destruction of the government system of the Republic. However, in the Byzantine Empire times, the urban elite class deteriorated while the rural landowners accelerated (Fitzpatrick 114).  Besides, the Byzantine Empire changed its capital to Constantinople from Rome.  These led to a change of religion to Christianity as well as language to Greek. During Justinian's time, Byzantine was still at the risk of stability and attacks from neighboring regions like Persia and Arabia.  Thus, weakening the Empire as it had inadequate revenues for adequate military support resulting from corruption.

Traumatic changes were experienced during Roman civilization between 100-600 C.E. from a mighty Empire to divisional regions. Europe in the West experienced the "Dark Ages." These were when social or political unity lasted longer than the Post-Classical Age in China or India. Rome's failure was an irreversible process that occurred slowly, and the long decline led to disunity and instability in the Empire. Therefore, there was a change in governance in the Roman Empire from 27BCE-600C.E.

Division of the Roman Empire

The division of the Roman Empire was another political change. The Empire was later divided into two halves (Eastern and Western regions) by 476, where Europe started a new era. The Roman Empire no longer provided stability and peace during the post-classical period.  Moreover, many regions ruled by the Empire started ruling themselves, thus developing many small kingdoms. The Eastern region empire survived. The Byzantine Empire and the predecessors shared characteristics and the Empire's primary organization, hence enhancing some continuity (Fitzpatrick 116). The Western region had the Roman Catholicism government while the East had the Orthodox Patriarch, which differed significantly. Justinian, the Emperor, led the kingdom in various conquests during mid 500C.E and later, the Empire was gone.

As mentioned earlier, Rome became large to be governed by one body; hence it was divided into the Eastern and Western regions. The Eastern region had the Greek Orthodox government, while the Western region had the Roman Catholicism government (Fitzpatrick 120).  The two regions were independent and fought their different fights. Moreover, they had different levels of technological advancement. This separation of the Empire would bring strife in the future between the regions.

Cultural Changes

Rise of Christianity

Initially, the first cultural change was the rise of Christianity.  Roman Empire practiced a polytheistic belief system, and gods of the emperor were worshipped. Besides, Christianity was illegal, but it was later legalized in Rome.   Despite the changes, Rome is culturally diversified. Most regions in Europe in the year 100C.E were experiencing a time of security and peace. It did not last for long. A steady decline in the Roman Empire was experienced between 100-600 C.E. and eventually led to its downfall. Rome was strong and controlled most of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin (Fitzpatrick 115). Despite some problems arising from rule over many regions, the Empire was too big hence administered effectively. With time, Rome's size made it a challenge to defend, and the invaders who were nomads could not give Romans an easy time. Constantine made Christianity the official religion. Constantinople moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium.

The development and spread of Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic lifestyles promoted the spread of Christianity. Other religions in the Empire started to fade away after Christianity was legalized (Garnsey). Constantine the Emperor by Fourth A.D. banned all the prosecution laws against Christianity and proposed that they worship freely without fear of being prosecuted. The strong Christians would even risk themselves and be killed for the gospel, which attracted so many people into the religion. Theodosius legalized the religion and discouraged all the other religions in the Empire both in the West and East. Christian missionaries contributed to the fading away of other religions hence promoting Christianity. It led to the rising of controversy: the classic one of the separation of church and state. The previous religion was Roman classical tolerant, but the current became Christian unified lifestyle.

Also, the Romans adopted the Greek gods during their interaction with the Greeks in Southern Italy. Christian faith was one way in which Constantine tried to unite the citizens. Constantine as well converted to a Christian. Byzantine art consisted of religious statues, while Roman art consisted of Roman family members (Fitzpatrick 118).  These changes created a unique culture that characterized the Byzantine Empire after the Western region's downfall in 476C.E. Thus, the spread of Christianity was one change in which the citizens were united.

Political and Cultural Continuities

Use of Latin and Greek

Cultural Continuity in the Roman Empire is shown in Latin and Greek as the common language (Garnsey).  Latin is the original language in the Roman Empire; thus, it is the trademark; hence its continuity up to date. The citizens needed to know the language to communicate in the Empire. Greek was introduced later during the spread of Christianity and became widely used by politicians and scholars. For Roman Civilization, these languages remained to be used throughout the period. Political and cultural continuities were also evident in the Roman and Byzantine Empires because they maintained an emperor. Theodosius is an excellent example since he made Christianity the official language in the Byzantine Empire (Fitzpatrick 113). Besides, he helped preserve the Latin and Greek cultures in the Western and Eastern regions. There was continuity in the use of Latin and Greek languages in the Roman Empire between 27BCE-600C.E.

The Roman system of governance

Further, the Roman system of governance showed continuity. The Byzantine Empire initially maintained the laws and the culture of the Romans. Byzantines also referred to themselves as "Romans," showing the continuities. After the fall of the Empire "Byzantine Empire" term was used (Fitzpatrick 115). Moreover, the Empire's citizens continued to call their Empire the Roman Empire, thus the continuity.


Many changes occurred between 27BCE-600 C.E. in the Roman Empire. The Cultural and political changes were the rise of Christianity, change in governance, and the division of the Empire. Continuity was evidenced in the continued use of Latin and Greek languages and the system of governance. The changes as discussed brought impacts to the Roman Empire. Moreover, making Latin and Greek a common language was a way of gaining a national identity. Ruling a large area had a challenge; thus, dividing the Empire into two regions reduced the area into more manageable regions. Lastly, the legalization of Christianity was one way of uniting the Empire.

Work Cited

Garnsey, Peter, and Richard Saller.The Roman Empire: economy, society, and culture. Univ of California Press, 2014.

Fitzpatrick, John. "(Not Sailing) to Byzantium: Metropolis, hinterland, and frontier in the transformation of the Roman Empire." Feast, Fast, or Famine. Brill, 2017. 101-133.

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